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The Eat for CKD with Confidence® Course is a self-paced, step-by-step course that will show you exactly what to eat for your chronic kidney disease so you can improve your kidney health and live your best life with CKD!
Payment Plans Available
You probably got zero support for what to eat when you were first diagnosed with CKD.
You think to yourself…what the heck?! Now I have to cut out all these foods just because I have kidney disease? What am I supposed to eat now!
You may have gotten a one-page handout that said "eat this" and "don't eat that".
That's exactly what you'll get inside the Eat for CKD with Confidence course.
you don't need to be confused, overwhelmed, scared, and completely stressed out!
Read & understand your labs so you can know exactly what to eat for your CKD 👍🏻
Know how much potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and protein you need in a day to improve your kidney health 👏🏼
What to eat daily to protect your kidneys FOR LIFE ✅
How to grocery shop, go out to eat, celebrate holidays, and travel while keeping your kidney health moving in the right direction! 💃🏻
This is a comprehensive program where I use my signature C3 method (Clarity, Confidence, Conquer) to give you the clarity you need to know how to nourish your body in a healthy way for your kidneys, the confidence you need to grocery shop, make meals & snacks, and cook/meal plan with CKD, and the ability to conquer your CKD for life!
Unfortunately, this is one of the most common things I hear from people with CKD & it's NOT OK. It's never too early or too late to start protecting your kidneys. There is so much you can do to improve your kidney health and it starts with what you're eating!
It's totally normal to have no clue where to start. This program is the perfect first step to knowing what to eat for your CKD.
You are not alone in feeling so confused & overwhelmed! It's natural to feel this when when you're first diagnosed with CKD. That is why I give you all the tools you need to live an amazing life with CKD, without stress.
Ugh, I am so sorry you are feeling guilty for eating certain foods! My heart breaks for you. You do not have to live your life feeling afraid to eat certain foods. I show you how to balance your foods out so you no longer feel so guilty!
It is 100% normal to feel scared to go out to eat with CKD! You don't always know what they are adding to foods and it's super scary. That is why I dedicate a whole section of my program to teaching you how to go out to eat with CKD in a healthy way!
If you are located outside of the U.S., please note that this course includes U.S. based guidelines and materials. This may or may not be a good fit for you. Please speak with a kidney dietitian in your country of residence to ensure that this is a good fit for you.
This course is NOT meant for those with stage 5 CKD or those who have had a transplant. You may need more individualized support and guidance if you have stage 5 CKD or a transplant. Please work 1:1 with a kidney dietitian if you have stage 5 CKD or have had a kidney transplant.
12 Comprehensive modules to teach you exactly how to eat for your CKD!
20+ Video trainings, handouts, worksheets, and guides to show you what it looks like to eat for your kidney health
5-Day Sample meal plans to give you TONS of kidney-friendly meal ideas
150+ Breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverage, dessert and snack recipes/ideas so that you never feel stressed about what to eat
BONUS 1: Private Course Community for 6 months to get personalized nutrition support
BONUS 2: The Ultimate Grocery Guide to make grocery shopping for CKD SO EASY!
BONUS 3: Ultimate Restaurant Guide so you know exactly what to order when you go out to eat
BONUS 4: Lifetime access to all course materials so you never have to waste time Google'ing again; you can just pull up your course guides and get a clear answer!
Module 1: What's Happening to My Kidneys?
Learn about the function of the kidneys + the different stages of CKD. This will help lay the foundation for how you can best nourish your body with CKD.
Module 2: How to Read Your Labs with CKD
Learn a step-by-step process for how to read your labs. Download a lab tracking sheet so you can keep track of your progress and know how to change your diet accordingly. Once you understand your labs you will know exactly how to protect your kidneys.
Module 3: Plant Based Eating & CKD
Understanding how to transition to a more plant based diet is key to slowing the progression of your CKD. Learn how to follow a more plant based diet in a healthy way for your kidneys, get plant based recipes/meal plans, and learn why plant based eating is good for your kidneys.
Module 4: Protein & CKD
Protein is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to CKD. This is why we cover it RIGHT AWAY! Learn how to manage your protein intake in a healthy way for your kidneys, plus learn the difference between animal and plant-based proteins.
Other modules include topics like: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, fluids, grocery shopping, reading labels, going out to each with CKD, traveling, and more!
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